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The Manor
In his Memoirs of the History of Lyon printed in 1573, Canon Paradin mentioned "the pleasure-houses, gardens, orchards, garennes, and other places where the citizens of the city and inhabitants of Lyon had for their deductions and pass- Time around the city".
La Greysoliere was an elegant house, whose haughty turret and elegant parkland stood beside the imposing agricultural buildings - pantry, attic, stables, and their grounds - orchard, terraced garden, and meadows.
In the Renaissance, a house of pleasure, garden and orchards
And then, a forgotten beauty
In the 19th century, only the agricultural vocation survived, and Georges Poidebard in 1894 discovered a sleepy beauty whose name is forgotten: "After leaving Ecully to Tassin the Demi-Lune, we follow for a while the road of Grandvaux [...], one encounters in the left hand, at the bottom of a small descent, quite large buildings of farm [...]. The site is picturesque; It is the bottom of a verdant and solitary valley that crosses a small shady stream [...] Farm buildings ... depends on an old and curious castle, whose name is no longer known in the country: Castel du Prince Or of La Greysoliere"
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